

Rand, Ayn

  1. A Russian-born twentieth-century American writer whose popular novels , including The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged, are polemical expositions of her view that controls, governmental and otherwise, inhibit creative individualism.

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The protagonist in The Fountainhead , a talented, egotistical architect, is supposedly modeled on Frank Lloyd Wright .

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Example Sentences

This quote is supposed to confirm Thatcher as an anti-social radical individualist of the Ayn Rand distemper.

In his Ayn Rand fantasy world, “freedom” trumps everything, including civilization, nation, patriotism, industry, and culture.

Junk the Ayn Rand rhetoric about moochers and takers and spare a compassionate word for the unemployed.

And chances are that if you wanted to do well in that final, citing Ayn Rand wasn't the best strategy.

No one who got into politics because of some arrested-development reaction to reading Ayn Rand is pro-government.



